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Precision Starter Package

More and more farmers are turning to the PCT AgCloud to get the most out of their crops

Is this your current data situation?

Trapped Data - Spreadsheet element - Bre


 Your data's trapped in spreadsheets or desktop programs

No Performance Indicators - Question Mar


No information on performance making it difficult to make decisions

Running Blind - Data in different machin


You have data spread in different places

Software Platforms are Isolated - Platfo


Your software platforms don't talk to each other 

Explore the Precision Starter Package and see how it will change the way you store and use your data!

You invest a lot to get a crop in each year, time, money and inputs.

Here at Breezy Hill Precision Ag Services, our focus and goal is to provide you with the tools and information you need, to make informed decisions on how to best manage it throughout the season. 

The Precision Starter Package is for those that want regular imagery to view their crops development. No longer will you have to wait for physical paddock inspections to spot the extent of crop variability. All of your information and data will be available in one easy to access place (PCT AgCloud). Bring your soil data spreadsheets to life, with a birds eye view of your soils attributes and their locations to have a powerful insight into your soil spatial variability. 

You can share this information with your specialists, agronomists and upload to other popular software programs including John Deere Operations Centre and AgWorld

Image by Dimitar Yanchev

“The Precision Starter Package has allowed us to view our PCT Map layers in the John Deere Operations Centre. We have NDVI imagery importing every 7-10 days to monitor the crops throughout the season which will be fantastic given our large cropping operation. Having our EM38 map layers available to us in the cab for our recent clay ripping operation was also hugely valuable."

- Matthew Vandeleur / VANDELEUR PROPERTY HOLDINGS - Buckleboo, SA

The Precision Starter Package will allow you to: 

Economical - Plant growing money element


Save money by managing your data yourself.

Instant Access - Desktop with unlocking


Access your PCT AgCloud Lite account instantly and get started

Integrate With Your Other Farming Apps.p


PCT AgCloud integrates seamlessly with MyJohnDeere and Ag World

Create Solution - Light Bulb Element - B


You can easily use your data and imagery to create prescriptions for yourself on the fly!

Spot issues from above earlier and use all this information at your fingertips to make prescriptions and informed management decisions. We've used this package to help multiple businesses to stay informed and to spot areas to further manage their business. Discover how we were able to help one farmer to use elevation data to pinpoint frost damage for strategic hay cutting purposes.

Explore what's offered in the Precision Starter Package and the Precision Pro Package to see which is right for you below: 

Package offerings table.png

So, give us a call if you'd like to see how we can introduce this technology into your farming business:

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